Indika AI at GPAI Summit, New Delhi: Shaping the Future of AI Excellence

Discover Indika AI at the GPAI Summit in New Delhi. Explore our contributions to shaping the future of AI excellence.Be part of the conversation driving AI

Indika AI at GPAI Summit, New Delhi: Shaping the Future of AI Excellence

Indika AI at GPAI Summit, New Delhi: Shaping the Future of AI Excellence!

We're thrilled to share our exhilarating experience at the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) Summit, 2023, held in the vibrant city of New Delhi. Indika AI took center stage, not just showcasing our groundbreaking products but also championing the vital cause of responsible AI. This summit has been a melting pot of ideas, innovation, and discussions that are steering the future of AI towards a more responsible and inclusive direction.

The Prime Minister's Visionary Address

The summit was graced by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose address was nothing short of visionary. He highlighted the transformative potential of AI in catalyzing India's growth trajectory. His call for a global framework for AI resonates deeply with our core values at Indika AI. We are inspired by his vision and are more committed than ever to contribute to a future where AI is not just advanced but also responsible and aligned with global standards.

Distinguished Guests and Global Perspectives

The presence of key dignitaries like Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Union Minister, and Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar, MoS for Electronics & Information Technology, underscored India's robust commitment to leading in technology. The summit also benefited from the insights of Mr. Hiroshi Yoshida, the outgoing GPAI chair, who provided a valuable global viewpoint on the evolution of AI. Their collective wisdom and foresight have been instrumental in shaping the summit's discourse.

The New Delhi Declaration

A landmark moment at the summit was the unveiling of the GPAI New Delhi Declaration, which received unanimous support. This declaration is a testament to the global community's commitment to fostering safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. At Indika AI, we are in full support of this declaration, as it aligns perfectly with our mission to push the boundaries of AI, responsibly.

Engagement and Innovation

The summit was also a platform for engaging discussions and thought-provoking sessions led by seasoned speakers. We are grateful to everyone who visited our stall, explored our products, and engaged with us. Your enthusiasm and curiosity are the fuel that propels our journey of innovation forward.

Acknowledgements and Future Commitments

Our heartfelt thanks go out to the Emerging Technology Wing, Government of Telangana, and the Startup Punjab (Government of Punjab) Team for providing us with this extraordinary opportunity. The global audience was captivated by our AI solutions, reinforcing our position as leaders in AI innovation.

As we move forward, Indika AI remains steadfast in our commitment to making AI accurate, accessible, and above all, responsible. Our innovative Data-Centric AI Solutions are designed with the future in mind, aiming to create a world where AI serves everyone, everywhere.

The GPAI Summit has been a milestone in our journey, and we are inspired to continue our work, shaping a future where AI not only excels in innovation but also in ethical responsibility. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey, making AI a force for good in the world.